How to improve my search engine optimization?

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In this article we will detail what you need to interact correctly so that your domain can be indexed and positioned correctly in the different internet search engines.

1. Smart development for search engines

The first thing you have to have is a stable, fast and efficient web page, as well as compliance with the requirements of the search engines so that it is found, analyzed and indexed correctly.

Here the factor of having hired the company correctly to build your website enters a lot. Perhaps the biggest economy does not guarantee you the best job, so you will not get the most out of web positioning. Make sure you have developers with extensive SEO development experience behind you.

2. Quality content

For Google, Bing and other search engines, quality is generally much more important than quantity, so it would be right to focus your efforts on creating content that is useful for your users.

3. A secure environment (SSL)

Ensuring a safe space is today one of the characteristics that would boost the optimization and positioning of your website. It is essential to have at least one SSL security certificate for domain validation installed for search engines to consider our domain as secure.

Not having an SSL, could give an additional point to our competition that has it, and also lose traffic, diverted to other providers that comply with an ideal recommended security.

4. Mobile friendly (RWD)

A website optimized for use on tablets, mobiles and PC computers will always be a better indexing alternative, and search engines know when this feature is met.

Make sure your web developer completes this for you, and correctly. In many occasions they tell us that it is an RWD design (responsible for different devices), but they are not always correctly programmed, and this could adversely affect our web positioning equally.

5. Speed, load and weight of your website

A stable, fast server, as well as a lightweight web page with optimized content is the key to achieving this point.

Do not hire suppliers "because yes, by economy", at least if you are looking for a good positioning.

It is essential to know that the quality and speed of our content is a factor that could place our domain among the first options of the results of a search engine.

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